Our Certificates and Awards from Customers and Government Official

In year 2014 we have serviced for Chevron Thailand and we have certified that we “Perform An Outstanding Truck Driving Performance Throughout 2014”

In year 2010 & 2011, we have certificated that we have excellence safety performance from PTTEP.

Healthy, Safety & Happy Workplace Project from CDC Thailand, both Provincial Level & Country Level

In year 2017 We have certified complete management of health in the establishment.

We got award of the Standard on Prevention and Solution to Drug Problems in an Establishment

The establishment give opportunities for drug addicts to return good people to society.

In year 2018, we have certified that we have a complete health evaluation and management.

Win Golden Award No-Foam Organization in Year 2019

We got golden award of health safety and environment from Department of Labour Protection and Welfare.

We got award “Management of Safety Health and Environment, Provincial Level, Year 2019”

We have training fire fighting & evacuation every year.